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Feature Friday: Dive into the depths of ChatGPT plugin for test automation

ChatGPT plugin for test automation

Hello, testing aficionados! Welcome to Feature Friday, where we’re about to uncover the magic of Qyrus Test Pilot with Dan and Linto leading the way. Imagine having a copilot or plugin tester for your testing adventures, one that not only helps you with test building and creation but also executes them with AI-driven precision. As we dive into the depths of this ChatGPT plugin for test automation, get ready for a journey filled with simplified testing processes and increased productivity!

Tell us more about Qyrus Test Pilot and what it exactly is.

Qyrus Test Pilot is one of the newest tools in Qyrus’ AI arsenal that is chat-integrated, and AI-driven, and can help you with the creation of test scenarios, the execution of Qyrus test scripts, and much more. Use this test pilot to help with testing web apps.

You can almost think of this as a ChatGPT plugin for test automation. In that way, we here at Qyrus are riding the wave in that essence and looking to make testing easier with this plugin tester. Just like things like coding, copilots have helped bridge the gap in terms of knowledge and expertise.

So, a ChatGPT plugin for test automation. ChatGPT seems to be everywhere nowadays. Even more traditional helper chatbots that you might find are now starting to be powered by ChatGPT for better results.

What is Qyrus Test Pilot’s overall impact on the testing process?

Qyrus Test Pilot will see the most impact on the test-building portion of the testing process. Although we did mention it can execute tests and give you reports back, executing tests and viewing reports is the lesser part of what this feature can do.

It’ll bring a higher degree of test coverage by enabling users to generate scenarios with simple chat prompts. Testing web apps on Qyrus is already easy but being able to take out more of the overhead of doing things like generating test scenarios can be extremely valuable in terms of effort reduction, as well. Offloading tasks that take a lot of time and manpower will snowball to show an increase in productivity.

These AI-driven tools are starting to make an impact across nearly every industry, especially in tech. We have seen it help beginner programmers to fast-track themselves to becoming more experienced and knowledgeable developers.

How might Qyrus Test Pilot help testers, developers, and business technologists? What value can this feature bring?

The name is in the pudding, Qyrus Test Pilot is meant to make the lives of testers easier. But more importantly, it’s there to help uplift those less technical members of our teams and empower them to do things like generate test scenarios, build out test scripts, and execute those all from a tool that is like a ChatGPT plugin for test automation. Business technologists would find this tool extremely useful. Developers would also be able to quickly build out and execute unit tests from the Qyrus Test Pilot, as well.

Does the same or similar functionality exist without Qyrus, and how do competitors address similar problems?

A lot of testing tools out there are trying to come out with their own version of a testing copilot or ChatGPT plugin for test automation. A lot of these features are brand new and for the most part under wraps, but Qyrus Test Pilot is ready to boost your testing today, right away!

When it comes to traditional automation testing, Qyrus in and of itself is leaps and bounds ahead because of its no-code and low-code nature. This part of Qyrus makes testing more accessible and easier than having to create complex automation frameworks that require a considerable amount of coding knowledge.

Our goal at Qyrus is to make testing easier, faster, smarter, and more scalable. With Qyrus Test Pilot, we can help testers achieve all of those goals in their daily tasks.

How do you see this feature impacting day-to-day operations across organizations?

Qyrus Test Pilot provides instant results and real-time execution. Furthermore, it can help streamline processes and ensure a greater amount of test coverage. It can identify critical functionalities of the application and generate scenarios accordingly.

Test automation, Qyrus, and Qyrus Test Pilot all look to reduce the amount of human error that might present itself during testing. With manual testing, the chance for human error is greater than automation. However, with things like Qyrus Test Pilot, you can eliminate the risk of missing important test scenarios.

What might we see in the future in terms of updates for Qyrus Test Pilot?

Like any ChatGPT plugin for test automation, the goal is to improve the correctness of the artifact generation. More specifically, we hope to generate better test scenarios and test scripts. Also, we will most likely be expanding Qyrus Test Pilot to other services in the future, as well.

And with that, we wrap up our dive into the innovative world of Qyrus Test Pilot. Dan and Linto have shown us how this tool isn’t just a ChatGPT plugin for test automation; it’s a game-changer for both testers and non-testers and tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy individuals alike. With easier test scenario generation, real-time execution, and a sprinkle of AI magic, Qyrus Test Pilot is set to streamline testing processes across organizations. So, here’s to faster, smarter, and more efficient testing with Qyrus Test Pilot. Until next time, happy testing!

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